Keeping with the pace of our country's economic growth, Ruiz, Ramón & Ángel is ready to advise domestic and foreign clients in real property management for projects of road, electric power as well as oil and mining infrastructure.
We have a developed long and successful career in this field, having advised various concessions and public companies in the preparation of studies of titles, purchase offers, deeds and records, claims of expropriation and the imposition of easements.
Similarly, Ruiz, Ramón & Ángel has experience in environmental management, real property management, urban law, mining and agriculture.
Our clients can rely on our experience in managing civil, labor and social security matters in which Ruiz, Ramón & Ángel has represented in court different entities, corporations and individuals throughout the country.
Ruiz, Ramón & Ángel advised and represented various financial institutions and insurance companies, real companies and concessions with successful results for the same interests.
Ruiz, Ramón & Ángel can advise agencies and companies in the design and development of contract process for infrastructure in general.
We have a very extensive experience in tutela (actions for protection of fundamental constitutional rights), class actions and group actions.